Saturday 4 April 2015

Ways that helps to heal your cavities Naturally

Cavities are responsible for tooth decay and the irony is that one can’t heal or reverse the effect of tooth decay. The only solution is to take part of your tooth drilled out and make that filled using a synthetic material. A study about cavities and tooth decay said that can be healed or even reversed by having a diet. That is in fact believed natural tooth care and is very effective.

Cause of Tooth decay- Now the question is how diet can work like natural tooth care and give you problem free teeth. There is specific link between eating modern foods and cavities. People are not depending over the same kind of diet are more likely to have less tooth decay in fact they have perfect teeth but if you are more exposed to western diet then are more likely to have tooth decay, chronic issues and even bone problems.

Food responsible for tooth decay- Tooth decay takes place when you consume foods that are loaded with carbohydrates like starches and sugars names of some of such foods are pop, milk, raisins, candy, cakes and the main problem by consuming such foods in that  when you eat those foods they frequently left on the teeth. We have bacteria in the mouth which thrive on such foods and prepare acid and that acid with time give damage to tooth enamel and result in tooth decay.

Things that contribute Tooth Decay- Some of the experts believe that there are such things that can contribute in tooth decay. If you are having a diet that is less in minerals like magnesium, calcium and phosphorus the risk is higher and such as that there are several reasons for tooth decay. Like heavy consumption of phytic acid foods, having too much processed sugar is bad for you as well. Always have diet including fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K because presence of that in diet works like natural tooth care and absence of same result in tooth decay. You should not fool yourself by just brushing two times a day and flossing because alone these habits won’t work for you to reverse cavities because dietary issues mentioned above can keep you in problem and also don’t allow you to take part in resorting to take in fluoride. So, take charge of your oral wellness and have a healthy smile.

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