Diabetes is a medical condition when the body either stops making insulin or resists the acceptance of existing insulin. The blood sugar level is very high for prolonged times which produces the symptoms of augmented hunger, thirst and frequent urination. Untreated diabetes can cause stroke, high blood pressure, eyesight damage, kidney failure and many other serious health issues. Both the types of diabetes are incurable. You can only control the blood sugar level by medicines and alternative remedies. A treatment that is not classified as western medical practice is called alternative treatments. Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation, massage, herbal remedies, chiropractic treatments, guided imagery and aromatherapy are few of them.
Why does it happen? – When the pancreas does not produce insulin or our body cells do not respond to the existing insulin, diabetes develops. The former is called Type I and later is called Type II diabetes. The causes of Type I are still not known. Type II happens because of lack of exercise and excess body weight. The third type is gestational diabetes in which the baby inherits it from the mother. Some women develop a high blood sugar level in pregnancy without previous history. Timely treatment is required in all cases. Alternative medicines for diabetes can be helpful in successful and effective treatment.
Monitor the food you eat – It is very important to monitor the food that you eat to control diabetes. It should be a perfect balance of nutrition and supplements. Alternative medicines are basically natural cures and simple home remedies for diabetes. These remedies revolve around the right foods to eat. There are a wide variety of delicious and healthy meals. Diabetes super foods should have low glycemic index and should be rich in calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, C & E. Beans, green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, whole grain, fat free milk and yogurt are considered to be super foods for diabetic people. Include them in your routine diet.
Can you count on alternative treatments? – Whatever secondary treatment you choose, don’t discontinue the primary treatment. Alternative medicines for diabetes might be risky if they are not prescribed by a doctor. It is a complex and serious medical situation, so self treatment is strictly not advisable. You should take expert’s advice before following home remedies and treatments. Healthy diet, proper physical exercise and maintaining average body weight are required to keep control on diabetes.