Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Things to know if you are diabetic

Diabetes is a medical condition when the body either stops making insulin or resists the acceptance of existing insulin. The blood sugar level is very high for prolonged times which produces the symptoms of augmented hunger, thirst and frequent urination. Untreated diabetes can cause stroke, high blood pressure, eyesight damage, kidney failure and many other serious health issues. Both the types of diabetes are incurable. You can only control the blood sugar level by medicines and alternative remedies. A treatment that is not classified as western medical practice is called alternative treatments. Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation, massage, herbal remedies, chiropractic treatments, guided imagery and aromatherapy are few of them.

Why does it happen? – When the pancreas does not produce insulin or our body cells do not respond to the existing insulin, diabetes develops. The former is called Type I and later is called Type II diabetes. The causes of Type I are still not known. Type II happens because of lack of exercise and excess body weight. The third type is gestational diabetes in which the baby inherits it from the mother. Some women develop a high blood sugar level in pregnancy without previous history. Timely treatment is required in all cases. Alternative medicines for diabetes can be helpful in successful and effective treatment.

Monitor the food you eat – It is very important to monitor the food that you eat to control diabetes. It should be a perfect balance of nutrition and supplements. Alternative medicines are basically natural cures and simple home remedies for diabetes. These remedies revolve around the right foods to eat. There are a wide variety of delicious and healthy meals. Diabetes super foods should have low glycemic index and should be rich in calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, C & E. Beans, green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, whole grain, fat free milk and yogurt are considered to be super foods for diabetic people. Include them in your routine diet.

Can you count on alternative treatments? – Whatever secondary treatment you choose, don’t discontinue the primary treatment. Alternative medicines for diabetes might be risky if they are not prescribed by a doctor. It is a complex and serious medical situation, so self treatment is strictly not advisable. You should take expert’s advice before following home remedies and treatments. Healthy diet, proper physical exercise and maintaining average body weight are required to keep control on diabetes.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Keep your scalp flake free

Have you ever wondered why there are white flakes visible on your dark shirt without any snow fall?  Yes, it is confirmed that you have dandruff. Any skin condition like eczema, psoriasis or dry scalp can cause it.  It is a myth that dandruff is caused by dryness in scalp only. Excessive oily scalp is equally responsible for it. These skin conditions cause the cells to bunch and fall off in the form of flakes. It is very embarrassing socially. There are hundreds of cosmetic treatments available, but some of them are way too expensive to even try. The good news is that you can control it with simple and natural treatments.

What is dandruff? - These flakes are actually dead skin cells, which fall occasionally. The more you scratch, the more they fall.  A number of skin conditions can make the scalp flaky. Dryness on the scalp is the most important cause of the flaky skin. Heredity, too much consumption of alcohol, lack of nutritions, stress, weather changes and excessive intake of super sugary and salty foods may cause dandruff.  Some hair care products may cause dryness too.  Curling, heating and styling your hair often can result in split ends and dryness. It can also cause itching or other scalp problems.

How to treat it? - A very inexpensive treatment is to use anti-dandruff shampoo two times a week. It helps in washing off the dirt. Choose the shampoo which has selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc, ketoconazole or salicylic acid as a main ingredient.  To stop the further formation, you have to give internal nutrition.  Massage your scalp with olive oil at least once in a week. It will remove all the dryness in the scalp. It actually opens the pores and makes hair stronger. Don’t overdo oiling. Wash your hair after 30 minutes of oiling. Too much oil can also cause yellow patches on scalp.

Important changes in your lifestyle are required – Drink lots of water. People do not drink much water in winters and this becomes the main reason for the dryness.  Moving in and out in heated buildings can suck the moisture from your skin. Keep yourself hydrated in all seasons.  If you are hydrated then your body will make new cells and your skin and hair will look good.  Don’t wash hair with hot water.  Brush your hair close to scalp daily. It will gently massage the area and help to loosen the dead skin cells.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Improve your eyesight by following 3 simple techniques

As per a recent survey, 75% of people believe that sight is the most important sense. Good eyesight is very crucial to your enjoyment of life and mobility. Optimize your eyesight as much as you can. Eye fatigue and dryness can harm your vision. This reduced vision creates hinders in normal life.  Moisture is very important for healthy eyes. Blink your eyes frequently to avoid itching and redness. Follow these simple tips to improve eye vision.

Eye exercises are helpful- Exercises can facilitate you see better. 20/20/20 exercise has shown significant results towards betterment of vision. Focus on an object that is twenty feet away for twenty seconds after every twenty minutes. There is another relaxation exercise that you can do anytime anywhere. Close your eyes and cover them with palms. Rub together to create rapid heat for about 30 seconds. You will feel relaxed. Eye flexibility is very important for good vision. If your job demands constant focus on the computer screen for longer hours, you might lose the flexibility of eye muscles. Focus on other objects periodically to help the eye muscles retaining the flexibility. Don’t keep the eyes in the same position for a long time. You will notice a significant improvement in your vision with regular eye exercises.

Take breaks from work- Get proper sleep. It relaxes the tired eyes. You might have noticed heaviness in eyes when you are awake for long hours. The eye muscles are tired and proper sleep helps in rejuvenation of these muscles and improves eye vision. Wear good quality sunglasses to look good and protect your eyes from UV rays. Stress is very bad for the eyes. You stress eyes with constant working on gadgets, watching TV and reading in dim light.  Take a break from work and let your eyes relax. Take a break of 5 minutes after one hour of work. Use natural light and your eyes will heal themselves.

Eat nutritious food- Eyes need multiple nutrients to function properly. Eat Vitamin A, C and E rich diet. Minerals like zinc and copper are essential for good vision. Antioxidants protect the muscles from sun damage. Eat dark green leafy vegetables, yellow pepper, pumpkin, egg yolks, carrots and sweet potatoes to fight diseases related to blindness. Garlic, shallots, onions and capers help to prevent cataract formation. Grapes, blueberries and goji berries enhance vision because of their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

Stop wasting your hard earned money on glasses and contact lens. Use natural ways to maintain the health of your eyes.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Is there any permanent cure available for diabetes?

Diabetes is a multifaceted group of diseases and related to metabolic disorders. The digested food breaks down into starch and sugar. Glucose is a kind of sugar that goes through our bloodstream. Our body cells absorb glucose with the help of insulin and convert food to energy. When the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin effectively, this condition is called diabetes. Excessive glucose level can damage blood vessels. It can lead to a stroke, total blindness, kidney problems, depression and heart problems. Although it can’t be treated permanently, but can be controlled by diabetes homeopathy treatments.

Why it has become a common disease?

Diseases of pancreas, infections and heredity are a few of the causes of diabetes. Obesity is also a great contributor to this disorder. Reduce your weight to maintain blood sugar level.  Gestational diabetes develops in a child from birth. You can’t do much about this. Destruction of beta cells in the body is the major symptom of this metabolic disorder. The affected person has to take insulin every day to survive. Physical inactivity is the major reason for insulin resistance in the body. Due to sedentary lifestyle, higher numbers of cases are being reported in past ten years.

Long term solution for diabetes

Eat meals at regular intervals to maintain the glucose level in blood. Carry a healthy snack with you every time to skip surviving on empty calories. Stress affects blood sugar levels. Deep breathing, biofeedback and muscle relaxation can help in relieving emotional stress. Food supplements are not beneficial in every case. They might interfere with your medication. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Manage your blood sugar level close by to normal. Take the medicine regularly and keep checking blood sugar levels. Diabetes homeopathy treatment can help in controlling it to a great extent.  Exercise can help you burn calories and maintain glucose in blood. Balance your food intake with stress management, medication, exercise and appropriate sleeping habits.

Can diabetes go away forever?

With the advancements in the medical field and technology, we believe that there must be any permanent cure for diabetes. But you will be sad to know that there is not even a single clinically proven method to treat diabetes type 1 or 2 permanently.  Although there are many treatments available but none of them have permanent effects. In Homeopathy, the treatment for diabetes has little or no side effects.  Follow a strict diet, good sleeping habits and exercise schedule to manage it.  Learn to relax. These simple things can make big differences.