Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Facts about female dysfunction or impotence

Dysfunction in male and females is very different.  You can’t ignore the complexities. A few years ago, the term ‘female dysfunction’ didn’t exist. There were not any theories to match the symptoms of male and female dysfunctions. But the scientists constantly gave it a try and came up with a few theories. A woman’s sexual rejoinder is more qualitative rather than quantifiable. It is not possible to come up with the criteria as it can’t be measured objectively. Various health organizations have come up with some common standards to identify and treat impotence in women with drugs and homeopathic remedies.

What is sexual dysfunction? – Any problem during the sexual cycle that prevents the satisfactory experience is termed as sexual dysfunction. It can happen in any of the four phases of a sexual activity – exhilaration, plateau, orgasm and resolution. As per a study, about 40% of women and 31% of men experience it, but most of them hesitate to discuss about it. It can be caused by physical or psychological problems. Diabetes, hormonal imbalance, heart disease, kidney disease and some drugs affect the libido. Stress, anxiety, problems in a relationship and performance anxiety can also make the situation worse.

How does it affect women? – Low sexual desire or interest in sex is the most important symptom. Medical conditions and treatments, hormonal changes, depression, stress, fatigue and pregnancy can decrease the desire to have sex. Care for children, routine sexual activities and boredom can contribute to lack of excitement. Inadequate vaginal lubrication can make you unable to arouse physically. Absence of sexual climax or orgasm can be caused by this inability. This can be treated with homeopathic remedies for impotence. Lack of experience, childhood abuse, sexual trauma and guilt can cause the inability to orgasm. Painful intercourse can also decrease the interest in sexual activities.

Diagnosis and Treatment- Physical exams and through examination of symptoms is required to diagnose the condition. An evaluation of your experience about sex will help the doctor understand the problem easily. Ovarian cysts, pelvic mass, poor lubrication, sexually transmitted diseases and sexual phobia can affect the condition. Homeopathic remedies for impotence can cure these physical problems effectively. The ideal approach to treat female dysfunction is collaboration between sex therapist, doctor and the woman because most of the reasons are psychological. Erotic materials can be used to enhance the stimulation. An education about sexual behaviors and responses is required to overcome the anxieties.

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