Sunday, 27 July 2014

Quick fixes for healthy hair and scalp

Dryness in the scalp can happen anytime round the year. But it is most common during winters. White loose powdery flakes in the hair are the common symptoms of this. The sebaceous glands produce oil for scalp. Due to extreme climate changes, not drinking enough water or any scalp problems these glands are dehydrated and not produce enough natural oils. Some people confuse this with dandruff. Dandruff is caused by yeast like fungus and grows very fast. The dead skin cells start to shed from the scalp and make it itchy. The mild inflammation is irritating and socially embarrassing.

Natural oils can treat the condition- Use natural oils to fight the dryness in the scalp. The oils which absorb easily in the scalp are highly recommended. Jojoba oil has similar properties of sebaceous gland’s natural oil. It also protects the scalp against bacteria’s. Olive oil and coconut oil have antibacterial properties. They are best suited for treating dandruff as well. Tea tree oil can be used for healing skin diseases. It acts strongly on the bacteria’s that cause dryness. You can rinse use hair with 10 drops of tea tree oil mixed in half a bucket of water for better results.

Take extra care in winters - Drier scalp in winters is very normal.  You need to be over sensitive for your scalp in winters. Treat yourself with a hot oil massage at least once a week. Drink plenty of water. This will resist the gland to be dehydrated. Cover your head while going out. This way you will save your head from sudden temperature change. Tie the hair when it's too windy. Cold waves can harm your hair as well as scalp. Rinse your hair with half a cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with three cups of water. It gives you relief from itchy scalp.

Rehydration is the key to healthy scalp - Treat yourself with steam sauna to rehydrate fizzy hair. Peppermint oil balances the dryness on the scalp by enhancing natural oil production. Do not wash hair with warm water. It sucks natural oil from the hair and scalp, leaving them dry. Use hot oil treatment once a week to nourish the scalp from inside. You can use olive oil, coconut oil or tea tree oil. Squeeze out excess water after shampoo. Apply oil from roots till ends of hair. Use your regular conditioner after that. This treatment works superbly on dryness in the scalp. Use a humidifier in your home to increase the air moisture.

A closer look at untimely baldness in men

Hair loss in men is caused by Androgenetic alopecia. It is also known as male pattern baldness. Heredity, stress, prolonged illness and reactions of certain medications etc are few of the reasons for this. A genetic compassion to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) can shorten the life span of a hair follicle. These follicles then stop producing new hair. Thinning crown and a receding hairline is the most common symptoms. This pattern of hair loss further evolves on whole top area of the head, making a pattern of horseshoes. There are many pharma drugs and oils available to regrow them. Homeopathic remedies for hair fall are very successful in treating male pattern baldness.

What causes it? - Hair loss in men is generally triggered by growing age. It is very common after the age of 50. But shedding unusual amount of hair in early 20s is a matter of concern. Few people say that always wearing a cap or running fingers in hair can damage them. But it is not true. You protect your hair from sun and pollution by wearing a cap. How can a cap damage them? Running fingers in hair or brushing them circulates more blood in that area and promotes further growth.

How can you treat it?
- Technically, hair loss is not a serious health issue. It has a social impact. Baldness can make you look a few years older. You can prevent it if you start observing the symptoms at an early stage. Timely and proper treatment is necessary to stop hair fall. Homeopathy has a solution for almost every problem. Consult a homeopath and start treating the root cause of the problem. Homeopathic remedies for hair fall don’t have any negative effect. Regrown the hair through transplantation is also another option. Although it is a bit costly, but is 100% successful. In a span of six months, your hair starts to look natural.

Make lifestyle changes – Smoking has a significant role in hair loss. Stop smoking and see the difference yourself. Eat a well-balanced diet. Handle your hair with care. Use a mild shampoo to keep them clean. Maintain good hair hygiene. Avoid excessive use of chemical based products for styling. Hair loss can be treated with ayurvedic oils, medicines and homeopathic remedies. Choose the treatment carefully as most of the lucrative advertisements are shams. Regular massage can also help in getting stronger and full head of hair.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Is the overdose of homeopathic medicines safe?

Homeopathy is a branch of medical science which works on the principle of ‘like cures like’.  If the body is suffering due to particular element/substance, the same substance can be used in curing the disease. Homeopaths believe that the human body has the power to heal itself. It needs something to kick start the process. These homeopathic remedies give the kick start to this process. It is a holistic approach of treatment which is widely accepted across the world. But there are few disbelievers as well who spread rumors about the authenticity of these medicines. They compare these medicines with traditional drugs and claim things which are baseless.

An overdose of any drug can kill – Overdose of any pharma drug can kill a person. This is the reason that a warning is printed on the package as well. But this is not the case with homeopathic remedies. Critics have tried taking an overdose and nothing happened to them. Then they claimed that these medicines don’t work because their overdose is not harmful.  They don’t understand that homeopathy is not a chemical based drug. How can a natural substance dangerous? Making them understand this simple thing is as difficult as making the people believe that the earth is round.

Homeopathy is not a chemical drug - You need an elevated worldwide view to understand the philosophy behind homeopathy. As it is not made with chemicals, you can safely consume the overdose. Let me make my point clear here that this is the biggest advantage of this therapy. It is non-toxic and therefore non-dangerous too. These remedies are just diluted water with some active substance. It is the harmonious way of healing and you just can’t overindulge on harmony. You can drink a few drops to a few bottles of water at a time, but it will not harm your body.

Medicines should be safer to consume – Why we take medicines? Because we want to bring back the original health of our body. What if the same medicine produces ill effects after a bit of an overdose? This is actually happening with chemical based drugs. They are making people dead by suppressing the actual disease. They don’t treat the root cause in the rush to produce quick results. I don’t understand why are we in a hurry every time? Try homeopathic medicines and remedies to feel the difference.  Don’t let your body fight with chemicals alone.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Eye exercises those are just right for you!

Nobody can imagine his life without eyes. Fear of vision loss is terrible. As jogging and swimming is important to keep the body fit, special exercises for eyes are important to improve eye vision. These simple eye exercises can help you correct and refine your vision naturally. These are helpful in minimizing the further deterioration of sight.

Use of rubbing palms – Sit comfortably on a sofa or chair. Close your eyes for 2 minutes to relax. Now rub your palms until they are warm. Place them on closed eyes without putting any pressure.  Let them sit there for 30 seconds. Make sure you don’t cover your nose. Eyes should be covered in a way that no light should enter through gaps of fingers. For the first few seconds, you will experience strings of colors. After that you will feel deep darkness. Focus on darkness and remember any happy incident. Remove palms and open eyes for a few seconds. Repeat this for 2 minutes. You will feel very much relaxed.

Massage is very important – You can massage your eyes with hot as well as cold compresses. Take 2 soft cotton towels. Soak one in cold water and another in hot water. Take a hot towel and lightly press it on face. Focus on eyelids, eyebrows and cheeks. Repeat the same steps with cold towel. Repeat this for 3-4 times. Make sure you end with a cold towel.  This will help in fighting with stress and soreness. You can also massage your full face. Take a towel and soak in hot water. Rub your forehead, cheeks, nose and neck. Don’t rub on the eyes.  Close eyes and massage them gently with your fingertips with circular movements. This doesn’t actually improve eye vision, but are very helpful in keeping stress away.

Some quick and useful exercises – It may sound funny, but your eye vision can be improved naturally by sitting and relaxing for 2 minutes after every hour. Close your eyes for 5 seconds and then open for 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times in a row. You will feel relieved. Close your eyes and lightly press them with three fingers for 2 seconds. Release them for about 2 seconds and repeat the same. Look at the wall and pretend that you are writing with your eyes. Just move eyes, not the head. The bigger letters you will try, the better will be the result. It sounds difficult initially but you will be able to do it properly after some practice.