Saturday, 31 May 2014

Never ignore high or low blood pressure

When did you last check your blood pressure? Have you ever cared about your blood pressure readings? If your answer is no, then you can be at potential risk of imbalanced blood pressure. Maintaining blood pressure is very much essential. High blood pressure or hypertension generally develops with growing age. It can also lead to heart attack. A very strange fact is that some people experience high blood pressure without any symptoms. So they are basically unaware about their health condition. That is why, you should check it regularly.

The force that your blood wields on the walls of arteries is called blood pressure. When the arteries become rigid, the pressure builds up and your heart has to work harder to supply blood. This is the same situation like squeezing a garden hose. Our heart beats about two and a half billion times in a life span. You should not put your heart in pressure and make it work harder. Now you can imagine that how important it is to maintain blood pressure.

Hypertension is a silent killer. Become accustomed to a healthy lifestyle to be fit. Exercise regularly to open the blood vessels. It also helps in reducing weight. An overweight person is more prone to develop an imbalance in blood pressure. Also cut down the intake of sodium. Check your blood pressure regularly, especially if you are over 40 years. Blood pressure can be maintained with change in lifestyle and dietary habits.

You might be interested to know about the blood pressure readings. Systolic and diastolic readings are noted down during this process. When the heart beats and drives blood to the arteries, it is called systolic pressure. It is normally elevated.  The dropped pressure between the beats is called diastolic pressure. A cuff is placed around the arm above elbow.

The health care provider inflates it until the blood discontinues flowing. At this point, the cuff is slowly deflated and after the first sound of blood flow, systolic blood pressure is recorded. This blood flow echoes like a heartbeat. Diastolic blood pressure is recorded when this sound stops. If the diastolic blood pressure is less than 80 and systolic blood pressure is less than 120, it is considered a normal blood pressure. If the diastolic pressure is between 80 and 89 & systolic pressure is between 120 and 130, it is considered as prehypertension.  Any readings above than these numbers indicated hypertension.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Dissolve and Cure Cataract Naturally

A cataract is a cloudy development in the lens of your eyes. Eye lens is made up of protein and water. This clear structure allows the light to pass and refract on the retina. When the protein in lens starts to clump, it becomes foggy. Hazy lens obstructs light and image. This results in foggy vision. It is very important to understand the symptoms and treat them on time. Cataract increases gradually with time. Although it is painless but it is very frustrating. Delayed treatment can result in contrast issues, light glare problem and total vision loss. The cataract can be treated with surgery, ayurvedic medicines and homeopathic remedies as well.

You should know the causes first – Cataract is very common in elderly age, but it can develop at any age. There are very rare cases of developing cataract at birth time. Various causes contribute to its development. Aging, diabetes, high blood pressure, heredity, too much exposure to ultraviolet rays, eye trauma, infrared radiation, too much consumption of alcohol and excessive smoking are a few of the key causes. Free radicals damage the eye lens and start forming opacity.

Understand the symptoms of cataract – Understanding the symptoms of cataract on time is very helpful in successful treatment. Hazy or cloudy vision is the initial symptom. Light glares and double vision are some other symptoms of cataract. These symptoms progressively increase and lead to total loss of vision. For initial stages, homeopathic remedies of cataract are very successful. Their effects on later stages of cataract are not clinically proven yet. If the cataract turns out to be completely white, it is called overripe cataract. Removal of lens by surgery is the only option in this case.

Prevention and Curing Cataract – Even doctors do not suggest a surgery in the initial stages of cataract formation. They try to heal the problem with medicines and change in diet. Keep your eyes safe from excess exposure to sun and ultraviolet rays. Do not ignore any minute problem related to the eyes. If you feel that despite of following natural ways and homeopathic remedies for cataract, it is not healing, please consult a good eye surgeon. This may be the second or third stage of cataract. At this stage, surgery is the only option. It is just a minor surgery that takes 15-20 minutes approximately. Anesthesia is given to the patient first. Then the surgeon makes a small incision and inserts new lens. A lot of care is required post surgery. But after 15-20 days, a person can lead his normal life.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Types of Natural Remedies For Diabetes Available

Grape seed extract is helpful for improving the condition result with diabetes. Several studies have done and hence told is helpful in saving liver cells and set up defense mechanism against reactive oxygen species made by hyperglycemic conditions. It has available in tablet form as well and one having 50 lbs of weight should take around 50 mg of same. It can be enhanced to up to 300mgs. Whole grape seeds are the best known alternatives that are needed to be ground and placed in vegetarian capsules. You can take 3 capsules in a day and there are many homeopathy remedy for diabetes are available so that you can rely over that.

Several researchers have said that if you take around 100-600mg of vitamin C on daily basis then it would help to keep sugar level down. And this change you can see in just after a month of continuing the treatment. A diabetic have impediment of too much sugar and sorbitol in the body and if the condition left untreated then may change in nerve harm and problems in eyes as well.

Olive oil is known as multi beneficial herb and so is been the main topic of the surveys by so many researchers. Even it is declared that when a diabetic have drink olive oil then got reduced level of blood sugar and also LDL as well as triglycerides. Olive oil is able to reduce cholesterol in body and keep a check over the diseases like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and diabetes as well. To save yourself from diabetes one should keep a check over the diet plan and do tricks so that to manage the weight as well. The Mediterranean diet is excellent and easy solution to keep diabetes in control. In this particular diet the food is prepared with olive oil in place of high fatty oils and monounsaturated fats instead of saturated fats.

Olive oil is also believed to be excellent idea and used as home remedy for lessening the blood sugar level. To prepare home remedy with the same, one should drink around ¼ cup of olive at night before going to sleep. Homeopethic remedy for diabetes is also great one and if you can use lecithin, then mix spoon of the same with spoonful of olive oil. You need to consider one important thing that a cup of olive oil has around 1000 calories and so take that in managed way because sufficient amount of calorie intake is important for your condition.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Restore your sexual health with homeopathy

Inability to get or maintain rigid erection for sexual pleasure is called erectile dysfunction or impotence. Impotence is not weakness, failure or loss of your dignity. It is a disorder which is treatable. Medical as well as behavioral issues can cause impotence. Dietary issues, emotional issues, stress, depression, lack of physical fitness, excess intake of alcohol and smoking are most obvious reasons for developing impotence. Few medical conditions like bladder surgery, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, neurological disease and kidney disease also contribute to this condition. There are many medical and non medical ways to improve erectile dysfunction.

There are many degrees of erectile dysfunction. Identification of the exact stage can help in better and quick treatment. Some men achieve erection but they are unable to maintain it. Some men achieve and maintain erection but they are not able to hold it for a long time. Some feel this problem when they are with a new partner. There are few men who are not able to erect at all. But every stage can be improved with homeopathic remedies for impotence.

Some non-toxic system of medicines or homeopathic medicines work wonders in case of erectile dysfunction. Agnus Castus is beneficial if the impotency is developed after several years of intense intercourse routine. These men feel cold sensation in genitals and are conscious about their inabilities. Argentum Nitricium is beneficial for those who experience erection failure while attempting intercourse. These men are generally warm blooded, imaginative and nervous. Caladium is helpful for limped genitals. These people crave for tobacco. Lycopodium is helpful for emotionally disturbed people who experience impotence. Causticum is helpful for those who experience reduced urge for sex. These people don’t have control over urine leakage while coughing and sneezing. Selenium Metallicum is helpful for those men who experience reduced sex drive after prolonged illness. Staphysagria is helpful for those who experience impotence due to shy behavior.

Erectile dysfunction is very common worldwide and can develop at any age. You can restore your sexual health with homeopathic remedies for impotence.  Although these medicines are helpful in serious and complex health situations but do not rely on self treatments completely. Proper diagnosis is must to treat the root cause of problem. An experienced homeopath can help in bringing back the balance to emotional as well as physical happiness. Regular counseling sessions, medications, change in diet and proper exercise routine can be very helpful in treating impotence. Keep your confidence high and live a better sex life.