Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Restore your sexual health with homeopathy

Inability to get or maintain rigid erection for sexual pleasure is called erectile dysfunction or impotence. Impotence is not weakness, failure or loss of your dignity. It is a disorder which is treatable. Medical as well as behavioral issues can cause impotence. Dietary issues, emotional issues, stress, depression, lack of physical fitness, excess intake of alcohol and smoking are most obvious reasons for developing impotence. Few medical conditions like bladder surgery, diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, neurological disease and kidney disease also contribute to this condition. There are many medical and non medical ways to improve erectile dysfunction.

There are many degrees of erectile dysfunction. Identification of the exact stage can help in better and quick treatment. Some men achieve erection but they are unable to maintain it. Some men achieve and maintain erection but they are not able to hold it for a long time. Some feel this problem when they are with a new partner. There are few men who are not able to erect at all. But every stage can be improved with homeopathic remedies for impotence.

Some non-toxic system of medicines or homeopathic medicines work wonders in case of erectile dysfunction. Agnus Castus is beneficial if the impotency is developed after several years of intense intercourse routine. These men feel cold sensation in genitals and are conscious about their inabilities. Argentum Nitricium is beneficial for those who experience erection failure while attempting intercourse. These men are generally warm blooded, imaginative and nervous. Caladium is helpful for limped genitals. These people crave for tobacco. Lycopodium is helpful for emotionally disturbed people who experience impotence. Causticum is helpful for those who experience reduced urge for sex. These people don’t have control over urine leakage while coughing and sneezing. Selenium Metallicum is helpful for those men who experience reduced sex drive after prolonged illness. Staphysagria is helpful for those who experience impotence due to shy behavior.

Erectile dysfunction is very common worldwide and can develop at any age. You can restore your sexual health with homeopathic remedies for impotence.  Although these medicines are helpful in serious and complex health situations but do not rely on self treatments completely. Proper diagnosis is must to treat the root cause of problem. An experienced homeopath can help in bringing back the balance to emotional as well as physical happiness. Regular counseling sessions, medications, change in diet and proper exercise routine can be very helpful in treating impotence. Keep your confidence high and live a better sex life.

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