Saturday, 21 March 2020

Can You Increase Your Height? Facts, Do`s and Don’ts

Many short people have insecurities and want to be taller for many reasons. It could be because they want a specific career path, want to wear particular clothing, or just hate being short. Asking questions on whether you can increase height only means that you need answers. Before you go for the homeopathic medicine for height increase, here is what you should know about your height.
“Is it possible to increase my height?” If you are asking that question, you are probably not alone. Many people globally are asking the same question. The answer has various angles you can look at it, but first, let us start with the facts.

Here are the facts

According to science, genetics is the number one contributor to your height. Genes determine 60%-80% of your height. If in your family, people are short, there is likelihood you will be short too. Nutrition and lifestyle factors contribute to the other percentage.

When a person is one year old to puberty, height increases by 2 inches every year. When teenage hood kicks in, height gain accelerates to 4 inches per year. If you want to maximize your growth in height, this is the stage you should take action. When one reaches 18 years, it is hard to change your height.

Doctors cautiously prescribe growth hormones during the puberty stage to increase height. That is where you find homeopathic medicine for height increase with patients under doctor’s instruction. They have artificial HGH and other natural hormones to aid you in increasing height.

What you can do

While it seems impossible to change your height when you are above 18 years, there are some things you can do to maximize bone growth. The percentage remaining is for you to try other ways of increasing your height. So, what natural options do you have?

First, You can start with your diet. Eating a meal with all the essential nutrients aid you in maximizing your height growth. Food rich in proteins, vegetables, fruits, grains helps in that. For older people, a prescription of calcium supplements and intake of vitamin D helps in increasing height.

Second, excessive and maintain the right postures. You can appear short due to how you walk, sit, or the exercises you do. Try stretching exercises, practice proper sitting and standing postures, and you might be able to have an impact on your height.


You do not have to strain yourself. That is because you have little control when it comes to your height. Accepting your height gives you the confidence to face taller people. If you are thinking of supplements, remember that they come with side effects and unless you have a doctor’s description, it is advisable to keep off from supplements

Final Thought

Some short people do not like the way they look. That results in the questions of whether they can change their height. While you can take homeopathic hormones of height increase, it is advisable to do it with caution and or with a doctor. That is because, according to scientists, you have little control over how taller or shorter you are.

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